Getting the most out of each day!

This checklist, although not exhaustive, can help to guide your child to ensure that they get the most out of each school day. It’s best to look at the items included as goals toward which to aim. They should be done, as much as possible, in everyday life or through fun activities you’ve planned with your child. If your child falls behind in some areas, please discuss with the teacher ways you can help at home. Remember that all children are unique, they grow and develop at different rates.

Good Health and Physical Well-Being

My child:

  • Eats a balanced diet.
  • Receives regular medical and dental care and has had all the necessary immunizations.
  • Gets plenty of rest.
  • Runs, jumps, plays outdoors, and does other activities that help develop large muscles and provide exercise.
  • Has a set time and place and place to do their homework each day.

Social and Emotional Preparation

My child:

  • Is learning to be confident enough to explore new things and ask questions.
  • Is learning to work well alone and to do many tasks for herself/himself.
  • Has many opportunities to be with other children and is learning to cooperate with them.
  • Is curious and is motivated to learn.
  • Is learning to finish tasks (for example, picks up own toys).
  • Is learning to use self-control.
  • Can follow simple instructions.
  • Helps with family chores.

Language and General Knowledge

My child:

  • Has many opportunities of learning through play.
  • Is read to/ reads by themself every day.
  • Has access to books and other reading materials.
  • Has television viewing and internet access monitored and limited by an adult.
  • Is encouraged to ask questions.
  • Is encouraged to solve problems.
  • Has opportunities to notice similarities and differences.
  • Is encouraged to sort and classify things (for example, by looking for red cars on the roads).
  • Can write their address and knows their mom or dad’s phone number for memory
  • Has opportunities to draw, listen to and make music, and to dance.
  • Has opportunities to get firsthand experiences to do things in the world.
Smart Start Kindergarten Al Barsha South